Tuesday, July 23, 2013

this one is for the Girls.

Women. Have you ever noticed how a group of women interact with eachother, in a mixed gender work enviorment, school, group or just in general life. All of us, work against eachother for the most part. And when we work against eachother competeing per say over attention, recognittion, and acceptance so to speak we accomplish the worst possible thing ever. Division. Worst of all in this divison we tend to get the boys involved. Oh yes, ofcourse we want them in our corner.... or the attention of them ... when  if any of us smart sophisticated woment would stop and think about what we are doing when we have a altercation with another female especially in a work enviorment is that they one the guy is not really listening to your story and doesnt really care about what we think. The situation to them it is just a "cat fight " which is negatively associated as silly, or petty, or worse; insignificant.  (and ultimately if the guy is on your side they have already or wish they could get in your pants) (seriously thats how simple men are) (*Most anyway)

Anyway if we as women would just stop being woman haters and stop the compettition and the "queen bee" syndrome we would get a lot more accomplished. Especially in our careers. And like my last blog another thing if us as females ( the obviously superior of the sexes ) stop allowing males to get in the way of our united front think of how much one we could accomplish and how much better our self esteem would be.

If you think about it we get dressed up to look better or equal to another female we always get noticed by the men we are with and other men alike ... even if you think you are having your worst day and you really feel that you shouldn't be in public... there is a man who will look at you and a woman that most of them time (because we care so much what judgement is coming from our same sex counterparts) that you will feel that makes look like the oppisite of americas next top model.

We as women need to stop working against eachother and start embracing eachother.

You are beautiful!

Thats all for now...
until next time

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