Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dear Marilyn

Dear Marilyn,

What was your secret, how is it that you look absolutely flawless in even your flaw filled photos? Why is it that even today you are the icon of sexy? How is it that even you had insecurities. If you had left the earth at a later time would you be still the symbol of sex that you are today.

It is true what you said though, "if you can make a girl laugh you can do anything." If a girl is laughing she is listening, if she's listening you have her interest. A woman's interest keeps her driven keeps her motivated.

Media has made it so that the beautiful voluptuous curves of a woman are shunned and looked upon as a sign of a homely ugly woman. But have you ever had a thought if media wanted a d slowly made the change and put your quintessential big or plus sized model as the size of beauty how would that change the way we women looked at ourselves. Instead of Heidi Klum as the model of beauty put a more natural normal looking woman. Have you ever just looked into the mirror and pulled and tugged on different parts of your body? Just for a second trying to change what you have been given. I'm saying stop love the skin you are in!

I think Marilyn's trick was that she faked her confidence and it was the show she put on to the world while inside she was the same as any other woman. and that gave her that modesty and the mystery to us all is that she never really knew how beautiful she was.

until next time

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